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The World Is Mine

Today, upon the bus I saw a lovely girl with golden hair,
I envied her, she seemed so gay, and I wished I were so fair,
When suddenly she rose to leave, and I saw her hobble down the aisle,
She had one leg, and wore a crutch, and as she passed, a smile.

Oh God, forgive me when I whine...
I have two legs. The world is mine.

And then I stopped to buy some sweets, The lad who sold them had such charm,
I talk to him: he seemed so glad... if I were late 'twould do no harm,
And as I left he said to me :"Thank you. You have been so kind.
It's nice to talk to folks like you. You see," he said, "I'm blind".

Oh God, forgive me when I whine...
I have two eyes. The world is mine.

Later, walking down the street, I saw a child with eyes of blue.
He stood and watched the others play; it seemed he knew not what to do.
I stopped a moment, then I said, "Why don't you join the others, dear?"
He looked ahead without a word, and then I knew he could not hear.

Oh God, forgive me when I whine...
I have two ears. The world is mine.

With legs to take me where I'd go,
With eyes to see the sunset glow,
Two ears to hear what I would know...

Oh God, forgive me when I whine...
I'm blessed indeed. The world is mine.

- Author Unknown
Beloved, when we share a Gospel tract, it is always great to follow-up with that person if we see them again. Ask them if they had read it, and did they understand. We can then share the Gospel verbally with them. Sometimes we sow, sometimes we plow, break up the ground, sometimes we water the Seed. We have God's promise that His Word will not return unto to Him void. God bless you and continue to make you a blessing.
My family let's listen to the lord Jesus wisdom together 💜
Laundromat Conversion
I was reared in a rural area in upstate New York. Religiously, my family was Roman Catholic. My mother kept me attending the mass faithfully. I did all of the religious instruction classes as well.
As a baby I was baptized, as a young child I did confession, penance, and 1st communion. After that I was confirmed. I did many religious activities as young person. I assumed these good works and activities would earn me God's favor and eternal life. As I grew into my late teens, I got away from church and religious involvement; I was living life as any 21 year old single man would live.
Early Monday I would head to the laundry mat to do laundry. One particular day I picked up a Gospel tract someone had left there, entitled “God's Simple Plan of Salvation.”
I read that tract several times and one particular verse of the scripture hit me hard. John 3: 3, “Jesus answered and said unto him, verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.”
I knew I wasn't born again. As I continued to read, I realized I was a Sinner, lost, and on my way to hell. I had never known such conviction of my sin and a need for a savior. I went out into the pickup truck I was driving, bowed my head, and lifted my heart to God. I confessed that all my religious activity could not earn my salvation. I turned from my sin and I received Jesus Christ as my Saviour! Thank God for that Gospel tract!
I then began to search for a Bible preaching, Bible teaching church. One day I came home from work and found another Gospel tract on my door with the church address. I went to the church that Sunday morning. God has richly blessed my life. I enjoy forgiveness of sin. I have a terrific wife and family, and pastor that same church I visited nearly 30 years ago. Incidentally, the person who left that tract turned out to be my wife, we met in church! Praise God for faithful people who distribute Gospel tracts.
~Pastor Jeff Carpenter Friendship Baptist Church Rome NY
Follow-up in Pizza Shop My precious wife stopped by our favorite Pizza Shop in town today, to buy me a Pizza. She had sown the Gospel Seed previously with that Pakistani man before. She asked him, "Did you read that Gospel tract that I gave you last time? God loves you and Jesus died for you on the cross!" He said that he had read that Gospel tract! She shared much more with him, and he asked her what the word "repent" meant. She explained that we must turn from our sin and ask God to save us from our sin. Believe in Jesus as our Savior. I have shortened her story, but praise God! She shared the Gospel with him and he thanked her. God bless my precious wife for following up on this man. We pray for his salvation. God bless you and make you a blessing as you share.
Gospel Tracts are Effective Tools Gospel tracts are effective tools which we can use in the course of our daily witness. Tracts can (and should) be used by all Christians, not just those in full-time Christian service. Eternity will testify to the millions who have been saved via the printed page, and I suspect that the majority of those tracts would have been handed out by everyday Christians just serving the Lord in this simple way.
I have prayed for you today. I love you and thank God for you being a part of this channel. Thank you to all of you who comment and pray. This channel is God's channel and I pray that He keeps His hand upon me to make this channel a blessing to you. God bless you and continue to make you a blessing.
An aged and pious divine they stripped naked, tied him on his back upon a table, and fastened a large, fierce cat upon his belly. They then pricked and tormented the cat in such a manner that the creature with rage tore his belly open, and gnawed his bowels.
Another minister and his family were seized by these inhuman monsters; they ravished his wife and daughter before his face; stuck his infant son upon the point of a lance, and then surrounding him with his whole library of books, they set fire to them, and he was consumed in the midst of the flames.
In Hesse-Cassel some of the troops entered an hospital, in which were principally mad women, when stripping all the poor wretches naked, they made them run about the streets for their diversion, and then put them all to death.
In Pomerania, some of the imperial troops entering a small town, seized upon all the young women, and girls of upwards of ten years, and then placing their parents in a circle, they ordered them to sing Psalms, while they ravished their children, or else they swore they would cut them to pieces afterward. They then took all the married women who had young children, and threatened, if they did not consent to the gratification of their lusts, to burn their children before their faces in a large fire, which they had kindled for that purpose.
A band of Count Tilly's soldiers meeting a company of merchants belonging to Basel, who were returning from the great market of Strassburg, attempted to surround them; all escaped, however, but ten, leaving their properties behind. The ten who were taken begged hard for their lives: but the soldiers murdered them saying, "You must die because you are heretics, and have got no money."
The same soldiers met with two countesses, who, together with some young ladies, the daughters of one of them, were taking an airing in a landau. The soldiers spared their lives, but treated them with the greatest indecency, and having stripped them all stark naked, bade the coachman drive on.
By means and mediation of Great Britain, peace was at length restored to Germany, and the Protestants remained unmolested for several years, until some new disturbances broke out in the Palatinate, which were
thus occasioned:
The great Church of the Holy Ghost, at Heidelberg, had, for many years, been shared equally by the Protestants and Roman Catholics in this manner: the Protestants performed divine service in the nave or body of the church; and the Roman Catholics celebrated Mass in the choir. Though this had been the custom
from time immemorial, the elector of the Palatinate, at length, took it into his head not to suffer it any longer, declaring, that as Heidelberg was the place of his residence, and the Church of the Holy Ghost the cathedral of his principal city, divine service ought to be performed only according to the rites of the Church of which he was a member. He then forbade the Protestants to enter the church, and put the papists in possession of the whole.
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Wherefore comfort one another with these words."

1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18
Gospel Tracts and Seagulls
I would like to share an experience that happened here at Immanuel Baptist. One day, the Learning Center door was snatched open by a very distraught man demanding that someone talk to him about some Gospel tracts that had our church stamp placed on them. I firmly but politely told him to go outside. Once outside, I calmed him down, and this was his story.
He was about 26 years old, married, had a nice family, and everything seemed great. Then, the doctor found a tumor on his brain and had to operate a immediately.
After the operation his personality and behavior changed so drastically that his family could not tolerate him and left. He turned to alcohol and drugs to seek help, which only complicated the situation, causing him to attempt suicide a couple of times. He sought help through the rehabilitation systems, but to no avail. He finally came to live with his mom.
Then, one day, while standing on South Bridge trying to figure out a way to kill himself without the body being found, he saw a seagull picking up a creature on the beach. He went to investigate and just as he got there, a corked bottle with papers in it washed up on the beach. He opened it, and inside were two Gospel tracts. He read them, then asked his mom to drive him to our church for help. I slowly explained the plan of salvation to him until he clearly understood every point. He then asked Jesus Christ to come into his life and save his soul. He was baptized 2 weeks later. I found out that the couple in our church, John and Margaret Redwine, collected empty liquor bottles, placed Gospel tracts inside, sealed them and then toss them into the Taylor Creek to go out to the sea with the next tide. Glory! God used a seagull, an empty liquor bottle, 2 Gospel tracts and a preacher to point a man to Jesus Christ! This experience shows them the reality of God's word not returning back to him void. That young man died two months after his conversion.
~Tom Whitfield Pastor Immanuel Baptist Church Fort Pierce Florida
God Promises You Success When You Witness
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