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"Is a man of action someone who is praised for increasing the profits of his own company by traveling to underdeveloped countries and taking advantage of their inhabitants? In our time it is usually these common social refuse who are judged as men of action. Mired in this filth we are forced to watch the decadence and death of the model of the Hero, which already exhales a fetid odor."

~ Yukio Mishima
Plínio Salgado and the "vanguard forces"

It is interesting to note, for example, in Lenin's book, "Extremism: An Infantile Disorder of Marxism", the way he views the so-called "vanguard forces", which are in no way communist, but unconsciously serve communism. This is the case, for example, of a spiritualist, a Catholic, a Protestant, who, each in turn, takes a position of combat against Integralism, for one reason or another, of a religious nature, of a misunderstanding of the problems of the Fatherland, placing themselves in a terrain where they should not be. This is the case, for example, of a liberal, who, having a mistaken understanding of freedom, combats order and discipline. This is also the case of a military man, who seeks disciplinary pretexts in order to avoid communing with those who stand up in defense of the fundamental principles of discipline itself. This is also the case of a regionalist, who sometimes loses himself in the excess of separatism, as happened in Catalonia, where the national force weakened, and the communist storm subsequently broke out. This is, finally, the case of those who, worried about the passion of political parties, weaken the national forces of resistance, declaring that communism will not catch on, that there is no danger because the people will not accept it. All these are “vanguard forces” as Lenin so aptly calls them.

Pliny Salgado; The Doctrine of Sigma, page 69

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Think about how European man has been reduced by the work of capitalism. He no longer has a home, no longer has assets, no longer has individuality, no longer has craftsmanship, he is now just a number in the crowds. There are left-wing demagogues out there who speak out against feudal property and say that workers live like slaves. Well, we, who do not cultivate any demagogy, can say that FEUDAL PROPERTY WAS MUCH BETTER THAN CAPITALIST PROPERTY. AND THAT WORKERS ARE WORSE THAN SLAVES.

Feudal property imposed on the lord, while giving him rights, a series of burdens. He had to ensure the defense and even the maintenance of his subjects. Capitalist property is cold and ruthless. At best, he stops charging rent, but he is not interested in the fate of those subjected.

And as for the slaves, they were a patrimonial element in the master's fortune. The master had to take care that the slave did not die , because the slave cost him money, like a machine, like a horse. Whereas now, if a worker dies, the great lords of capitalist industry know that they have hundreds of thousands of hungry people waiting at the door to replace him.

— Jose Antonio Cousin of Rivera. Speech.

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THE CORPORATISM PREACHED BY INTEGRALISM IS MORE COMPLETE THAN THE FASCIST ONE, as we do not only consider economic corporations, but also the social and cultural corporations of the nation, such as the Churches, the army, the judiciary, and the societies of science and the arts.

Furthermore, while in Italy there still exists a Senate with a non-corporate base and a Council originating from the Fascist Party (outside the corporations), WE, INTEGRALISTS, PROCLAIM THAT ONLY POWER CONSTITUTED ON CORPORATE FOUNDATIONS IS LEGITIMATE .


— Miguel Reale; ABC of Integralism. pp. 88-89.

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🇧🇷 The problem of order according to Plínio Salgado 🇧🇷

The problem of order is not a problem of the police, but a problem of the regime. Disorder is a symptom of social illness. When a country descends into anarchy, when disturbances multiply, when discontent, cries of rebellion and attitudes of despair proliferate, it is necessary to examine the social framework, the value and disposition of economic forces, in a word, the causes of the arrhythmia of social movements, of the overexcitement of the masses.

It would be absurd if, when a doctor was called to examine a patient who was struggling in bed and screaming, disturbing the sleep of the family and neighbors, the doctor came and prescribed a gag to muffle the screams and a few meters of rope to tie the patient up.

This treatment did not resolve the situation. What is needed is for the doctor to discover the cause of the pain and apply medication capable of relieving the patient. Often, this requires surgery.

This is how a country. When communism, anarchism, or socialist disorientation arises, it is important to investigate the reasons why this happens and eliminate them. And not to create repressive laws, which are counterproductive because they aggravate the problems and lead to despair.

Leo XIII, in the middle of the last century, referring to the repressive measures that governments adopt when they realize their own weakness, reminds us that they are not the most suitable remedy for disorder, whose causes are much deeper.

The supreme authority of the Catholic Church even says, verbatim, that “repression leads to despair; despair leads to audacity; audacity leads to the most monstrous crimes.”

This is the reason why we deny moral authority to the Liberal Democratic State and, mainly, to the Social Democratic State, like the one we have had since the constitution of July 16, to adopt austerity laws against the revolutionary sense that excites the Brazilian masses.

Pliny Salgado; The Doctrine of Sigma, pages 21-22

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An activist might end up in a conflict not only with laws and manners, but with his own conscience. In history, he might receive the reputation of a murderer. But he must bear this contradiction. He will not be left with anything, no fame, no glory, only an inner satisfaction that he has worked for what is best for his country. He is nameless and without fame, nameless and without fame he will disappear in time. Paavo Susitaival
"The time has arrived for the workers of Britain to unite to hasten the day of Authority, Prosperity and Freedom, which can only come through the Corporate system, that is, through British Socialism as advocated by Sir Oswald Mosley and British Union."

H. Kenyon

Right now I have in my hands a letter from the professor. Richard Pattee, from the University of Puerto Rico, told me
about the impact that the integralist doctrine is having in the Antilles, and asked me for more books, in order to satisfy the curiosity aroused by our movement in Puerto Rico, Cuba and throughout the Antilles.

I have here a letter from Chile, signed by Mr. Carlos Grez Perez, making the same request, given the keen interest we have aroused in the glorious Republic of the Pacific. The "apristas" of Peru, as the provincial chief of Amazonas writes, asked our companions in Manaus for our material, given the curiosity surrounding our movement. In Argentina, our "October Manifesto", published in Spanish, has awakened a new meaning and provoked such interest that I am still responding to a request from a large telegraph agency, which wants a long and detailed interview for a major Buenos Aires newspaper. Our books have been very well received in Buenos Aires. In the United States, the most important newspaper "New York Times" published a long article about us. This is all in America.

IN EUROPE, IT IS ENOUGH TO SAY THAT, FOR THE FIRST TIME, BRAZIL IS REQUESTED INSTEAD OF REQUESTING. I have never written to European organizations, I have never asked them for anything. However, from England they asked us for books because our movement had repercussions there. In Portugal, long studies have been published about us. From France, I received a request for an in-depth interview for "Le Temps", the most prestigious newspaper in Paris.

The thing is, despite the illiterate communists and ignorant liberals insisting on judging us without ever having read us, despite placing themselves in a comfortable position of stupidity, trying to ridicule integralism , [...] the Sigma movement, having already spread throughout our geographical map, projects its own intense light onto the OUTSIDE .

This is the new doctrine of the 20th century. THIS IS THE GENUINE THOUGHT OF AMERICA, OF THE FAR WEST.

— Pliny Salgado. The Sigma Doctrine. Ed. FSC. pages. 133-114.

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We can see difference Between National syndicalism and Self called red rotten "Red Syndicalism" yes i think it will be better to call this thing "Red Syndicalism" because most of his goal is to restore one of sub variant of regime so called "Equal Society" but more famous name as "Red plague"

1. In National Syndicalist case one of the variant to use Trade union is to Unite Worker's organizations under National Identity and under National Interest for people and nation,in fact worker's real Role in Society is to make Race people and nation more stronger day by day but unfortunately Red and Capitalist Rottens just removed such Consciousness,So in this case national syndicalism is trying to Understand for workers that they are not just "thing" instead they ara integral parts of nation.Also National syndicalism calling for worker's to cooperate with other social classes,collaborate through representation in various corporatist bodies. Trade unions play a key role in these structures, representing the interests of the working class. The aim is to coordinate economic and social policies for the greater good of the nation.

2. in Red Self called Syndicalism we have very very different situation extremely different,so in this case trade unions and Workers dont have there national identity like they don't recognize it they are just*Trade union thing's" Red Syndicalism calling workers to just declear war on other classes so called "Class struggle" if national syndicalism calling for work for common national Interests,in this case red syndicalism calling for destroy Whole Country for just private Interests and private domination,no nation no identity only supreme class we can see egoistic aims here,So we have very different reasons about Unite topic,National syndicalism demanding workers transfer to Trade unions for unite them under national interests to protect his national identity,In Red Syndicalism calling worker's to transfer in Trade unions for Only be satisfied and reach establish private egoistic demands
“ Carefree, mocking, violent – this is how wisdom wants us: she is a woman, all she ever loves is a warrior.”

Friedrich Nietzsche
Based on the fundamental principles of the October 1932 manifesto, the national doctrine department of the Brazilian Integralist Action issued, by order of the national leader of integralism, the following guidelines that were widely disseminated in all provinces of the country:

Integralism aims to build society according to the hierarchy of its spiritual values, in accordance with the laws that govern its movements and under the dependence of the primordial, absolute reality, which is God.

This hierarchy, on which the principle and exercise of authority is based, makes the spiritual prevail over the moral, the moral over the social, the social over the national, and the national over the particular.

Integralism considers authority as a unifying force that ensures the convergence and balance of individual wills and harnesses the nation's energies for the collective good.

Integralism considers society as a moral and necessary union of human beings living harmoniously according to their superior destinies.

Integralism understands the nation as a large society of families, living in a certain territory, under the impression of the same historical traditions and with the same aspirations.

Integralism understands the State as an essentially legal-political institution, holder of the principle of sovereignty to achieve the integral unity of the nation, coordinating and guiding in a single directive all the material groups that constitute it and all the vital forces that dynamize it.

In the integralist conception, the State is vested with the supreme political-administrative authority of the nation, controlling and guiding all its vital dynamism, subordinating itself, however, in everything, to the imperatives of the natural hierarchy of things, social harmony and the common good of Brazilians.

Integralism recognizes man as a being endowed with an intangible personality, with natural rights in the triple sphere of his legitimate material, intellectual and spiritual aspirations.

The State is obliged to provide the necessary conditions for the full satisfaction of these legitimate aspirations of the human personality, respecting and favoring their broadest expansion, always guided by the imperatives of social harmony and the superior destinies of man.

Integralism, thus proclaiming the intangible rights of human personality, insists on the unavoidable obligation that falls upon every individual to strictly fulfill all the duties that result from his life in society; it therefore declares every individual to be subordinate, in the sphere of his activities, to the superior interests of the community, which, in turn, condition and favor the legitimate expansion of his personality and the satisfaction of his noblest aspirations.
Integralism before the Brazilian Nation, page 15
Song of the Eagles

Rise in the blue! Cut it, calm and strong...
Rip the breast wide open! Get drunk on the boldness
of the triumphal flight! Let it destroy the North,
may the sea burst into fury and rise from its belly
the rebellious powers and the snares of death!
Play in space!

And, if one day, sailing through the skies, you come red,
broken steel wings,
wounded the heart, the unbelieving soul,
Don't get tired of it,
of the ocean, harsh and fatal, do not the torrent swallow you...
Scream, strive, yearn and fight impeccably!
Die fighting!
Die in the fight!
But, before dying, he still tries to fly!

~Plínio Salgado

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Nationalism without spiritualism is not nationalism, because the materialistic conception of life inspires selfish Epicureanism, or fatalistic stoicism, and both are contrary to sacrifice as a mystical purpose and the idea of ​​the Homeland is fed by sacrifices for it.

Materialism generates either the individual sense of comfort and pleasure as the purpose of existence, or the sense of subordination to suffering and accomplished situations.

The Epicurean materialist only cares about himself, becoming incapable of sacrificing an interest for the supreme national interest. The Stoic materialist makes pain, suffering, an act with a purpose in itself, therefore, a reason for the victory of the "I", in reason and in the interest of the "I" itself.

In this aspect, epicurean, mocking materialism is confused with resigned, impassive, skeptical materialism; one and the other become the cult of selfishness.

There is no third form of materialism. No matter how varied the philosophies based on matter are, they all, deep down, submit to one of these expressions of selfishness. Or the Dionysian joy of unrestrained individualism, or the melancholy smile of restrained individualism. Centrifugal selfishness, or centripetal selfishness, both denying the Immortal Spirit, lead to the dissociation of the natural group, just as they lead to the insubsistence of the national group.

Therefore, preaching nationalism without spiritualism is artificially launching soulless ideas. It is trying to create an intellectual nationalism, without the strength of feeling.

Plínio Salgado; “The Offensive”, August 4, 1936

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God help the SSNP
"Look them straight in the eye, all these tyrants! Suffer with resignation all the blows, endure all the tortures, because the sacrifice of all of us will be the iron foundation of the lives sacrificed and the souls tortured for our victory. For those of us who fall, we will have their heroic glory and their graves! But those who kill us will bear the mark of traitors and will be accused from generation to generation."

— Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, The Iron Guard (1936)
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