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HapaPerspective avatar
HapaPerspective avatar
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For every picture/video of a Ukrainian woman with a negro, you can find several more of Russian women miscegenating with negros. The difference is that, in Putin’s Russia, multiracialism and miscegenation have pretty much become state policy — it’s obvious from modern Russia’s internal propaganda, as well as the importation of Asian and African migrants to fill recent occupational vacancies do to the SMO; and general high male mortality rate. The migrants are welcomed there by the Russian state and, without a doubt, encouraged to misceginate with Russian women. As long as they assimilate, it’s all good to the Kremlin — It’s Russification.

Ukraine was on the mind of Americans the first few months of the invasion, when it looked like something out of the 1980s movie Red Dawn. It was cool seeing determined yet relatable civilians wipe out whole columns of invaders. But that’s very old news now.

They don’t think about Ukraine anymore.
If you don’t understand what Americans want for the USA — what issues they’re facing here at home — you fundamentally cannot understand why they vote for one person or another.

You have to understand what Americans want for the USA, and understand that they are normies, just like the people in your own country.
Russians love their meat shield strategy. They’ll throw away tens of thousands of Russian lives to gain a single city.

EDIT: Yes, the meat shield tactic is effective, but the point here is that Russian lives don’t matter to Putin and his Kremlin cronies.

For those Americans on Telegram cheering for every single thing Trump does, cut it out. You’re not a Muscovite, stop acting like one. That’s uncharacteristic of Americans.
Something is brewing here. China isn’t going to downsize its military, but I doubt it’s because the plan is to retake Taiwan anytime soon — I think it’s a bluff. I think China’s real plan is retake northern territories that were formerly part of China in previous centuries.

I think the Chinese leadership are well versed in the Art of War by Sun Tzu: “So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”

Russia is weak, the Russian people are poor and demoralized as usual, and will be for a very long time.
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ꑭ Eternal Muscovite ✙ ∆ avatar
ꑭ Eternal Muscovite ✙ ∆
Both the pro 🇺🇦🇮🇱 and pro 🇷🇺🇵🇸 crowds are in shambles right now 😂

Fell for it again award🥇
Most Americans don’t think much about Ukraine or Russia at all — why would they, it’s on the other side of the planet, and not even part of the anglosphere. While they don’t outright support Russia, they’ll just nod along to whatever their favorite politicians or celebrities say about Ukraine and Russia. That’s why they appear to have a position on Ukraine vs. Russia, but it’s not their own position — they don’t really care enough to have a genuine opinion.

What’s worth noting: I have seen a few Ukrainian flags flying high in neighborhoods in nearby cities. I have never seen any Russian flags anywhere since the invasion.
Most Americans that voted for Trump don’t know that much about Trump. They don’t know much about Musk either, or all the tech-bros oligarchs behind Trump, trying to turn this great country into a techno-feudalist oligarchy. They just don’t understand yet… it’s not obvious to normies.
People on Telegram act confused when I say I’m pro-American, because I don’t support the Trump administration’s foreign policy. “How can you be pro-American?”

I think it’s important to remind everyone that American Nationalism isn’t like Russian patriotism, where Russians just go with whatever their dictator wants. Governments often go against the will of their people while assuming their national identity.

For those outside of the US, Do you always support your country’s government and its foreign policy? Or even all of its domestic policy decisions? I doubt it.
I think war between Russia and China is not only back on the table, it’s inevitable. After invading Ukraine, Russia has proven that its military is weak at full strength, and now it’s at less than half. China can easily retake the territories it lost to the Russian Empire — they share a huge border that Russia can’t defend. Had Russia not invaded Ukraine, it could have maintained its posture as “the second army” — pretending to be second to the US — as a deterrent against China, but that’s over. China has fewer reasons to maintain friendly relations with Russia now that it’s going to be closer to the US.

If Russia is going to be the USA’s bitch, it can’t be China’s bitch at the same time. That’s going to cause problems in Asia.

Even in WW2, Russians were famous for raping men, including American POWs.

“What happened to me that night, and many more to follow, was the worst hell any person ever had to endure,”

Culler wrote in his searing prison memoir. A group of Russian prisoners held him down, stuffed straw in his mouth and sodomized him repeatedly. “Coming from a small farming community, I never heard of men doing to me what they did. I…hadn’t even been with a girl, except to hold her hand and give her a light kiss on her cheek or mouth. I was bleeding from all the openings of my body, and I prayed to God to take my life from me.”

He was raped again the next morning and forced to have oral sex with several of his assailants, who stuck sticks in his mouth to pry it open. After being knocked unconscious, he awoke to find blood running down his throat. Too weak to move, and with his hands tied behind his back, he was thrown into the waste ditch outside the barracks. “When I finally came to my senses, I crawled from the ditch and tried to wipe myself with straw. I noticed something was hanging from my rectum, and realizing it was skin from the inside, I tried to push it back in.”

Within days Culler’s entire body was covered with boils from the lice and rats in the feces-contaminated straw. The rapes continued and became more violent. He began to vomit blood and an unknown yellow substance, and he developed chronic, bloody diarrhea.
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Kenziepuff avatar
I am not required to hate any groups of White folks in order to love my own nation, actually.
People forget how large the USA is, and how this affects the political system. Running for President of the USA means appealing to hundreds of millions of people, convincing them that you are their best option; which means giving as many people as possible (who are open to voting for you) what they want, enough so that they’ll vote for you. Remember, just because we have a form of government that gives people a vote, that doesn’t make it a democracy — Trump’s policies, therefore, are not totally representative of the will of American people. Also, no one voted for Trump or Kamala because of their respective stance on Ukraine. Trump won because he promised to give a large swath of conservatives, single-issue-voters and moderates the domestic policies they wanted — the previous administration under Biden wasn’t good on domestic issues, which is how the democrats handed Trump victory. I’m not saying Trump is great for America, but he checked the policies boxes that most voters wanted, including things I wanted even though I wrote in Ron Paul. Again, hardly any American voted with Ukraine on their mind, because of course people care mostly about domestic policies, as they should.

If the USA were actually a democracy — a direct democracy — its foreign policy would look like quite different. It would probably have been a neutral country that would have never even entered the World Wars, let alone forming NATO.

It’s easy for Americans to get behind cutting support for Ukraine when they’re told that it’s so expensive, a waste of their tax money and “we need to reduce the deficit.” Most Americans are normies that don’t really care about foreign policy and the long term effects of bad foreign policy decisions — they aren’t thinking about Russia being a threat to America in 50 years. They don’t know how much damage Russian propaganda has done to America!
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Anti-Russian Front avatar
Anti-Russian Front
🇺🇸🇺🇦 - Demonstrations in support of President Zelensky and Ukraine at the Times Square in NYC.

Anti-Russian Front | Group Chat
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Nicholas R. Jeelvy avatar
Nicholas R. Jeelvy
America had allies, not vassals. Trump never understood that.

There's like two German maps from the 1500's that have the name Rusie or Rusia in modern day Ukraine and Belarus but modern day russia is called Muscovy.
Why would Russian prisoners of war, in a POW camp full of Russian males, need condoms?

The entire backwards Hillbilly narrative was an anti-white smear.
For anyone on Telegram that still thinks all Americans are ziggers. No!

Something interesting that I learned about the war in Ukraine is that GWOT (Global War On Terror) veterans that jumped into the fight in Ukraine, they all struggled to adjust to the brutality of the war, especially the constant enemy artillery. In comparison to the veterans, more green recruits and armed civilians that had never seen war before adjusted better, making them more combat effective. The GWOT veterans were always used to fighting insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan where they always had the upper hand in firepower, air power, technology and etc… But unlike anything they saw in the Global War On Terror, in Ukraine they faced a full scale invasion from a larger conventional army with massive amount of firepower that often eclipsed the Ukrainian side’s firepower.

I learned this from an interview I had with a British fighter in Ukraine, and recently this was confirmed from other sources.

Keep in mind that China also has a serious problem with its gender imbalance — it has too many males because of the one child policy from decades ago. China has men it needs to get rid of or kill off somehow, and it has a huge military that’s just waiting to send them off. The CCP needs a successful military operation to reestablish its legitimacy and rekindle Chinese chauvinism among its heavily demoralized population.

China has EVERYTHING to gain by invading Russia’s eastern territories rather than Taiwan. All the threats of Invading Taiwan has to be a huge bluff. I’m sure China intends to do it in the future at some point, but it’s a good bluff. China has so much more to gain by invading Russia, including access to the Arctic.
Here’s a great video that just came out about how Russia is actually attempting to eradicate Ukrainian identity in order to establish itself as the civilizational heir of the Kievan Rus. It’s something that Russia has been trying to do for hundreds of years, long before NATO ever existed.

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